Shareholder Returns/Dividends

Dividend Policy

As we regard sharing profits with shareholders as an important management issue, we aim to steadily increase dividends by enhancing our corporate value and strengthening our corporate standing.
Regarding internal reserves, we intend to make capital investments and invest in research and development necessary for future growth and development in an effort to improve corporate value and increase profits.

Dividend Information

The dividend forecast for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025 is 34 yen per share (including an interim dividend of 17 yen).

Year ended Dividends
Interim Year-end Annual Total
March 2015 ¥9.00 ¥9.00 ¥18.00
March 2016 ¥10.00 ¥10.00 ¥20.00
March 2017 ¥10.00 ¥10.00 ¥21.00
March 2018 ¥11.00 ¥11.00 ¥22.00
March 2019 ¥11.00 ¥12.00 ¥23.00
March 2020 ¥12.00 ¥12.00 ¥24.00
March 2021 ¥12.00 ¥13.00 ¥25.00
March 2022 ¥13.00 ¥14.00 ¥27.00
March 2023 ¥14.00 ¥16.00 ¥30.00
March 2024 ¥16.00 ¥17.00 ¥33.00
March 2025 (forecast) ¥17.00 ¥17.00 ¥34.00