Stock Information

Basic information

Securities code 6996
Listings The Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
Date of Listing October 1961
Account Closing Date March 31
Base Date Shareholder fixing date for year-end dividend March 31
Shareholder fixing date for interim dividend September 30
Share Trading unit 100 shares
Annual Shareholders' Meeting Late June
Electronic Public Notice
(Japanese Only)
Credit Ratings Rating and Investment Information, Inc.

Stock status

(As of March 31, 2024)

Authorized number of shares 137,000,000 shares
Issued number of shares 68,415,369 shares
(excluding 9,584,631 shares of treasury stock)
Number of stockholders 22,168

Major stockholders

(As of March 31, 2024)

Name of shareholder Number of shares held
Percentage of shares held
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust account) 8,520 12.5
Nichicon suppliers’ stock ownership program 3,560 5.2
The Bank of Kyoto, Ltd. 3,409 5.0
Mizuho Bank, Ltd. 2,690 3.9
Nippon Life Insurance Company 2,670 3.9
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation 2,200 3.2
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust account) 2,190 3.2
MUFG Bank, Ltd. 2,000 2.9
Nichicon Employees’ Shareholding Association 1,649 2.4
Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. 1,419 2.1

(Notes) 1. The Company holds 9,584,000 treasury shares, which are excluded from the above table.
2. The percentage of shareholdings (of total shares issued) is calculated after deduction of treasury shares.
3. The number of shares held is rounded down to the nearest thousand shares.

Breakdown of Shareholders

Distribution of Shareholders (Based on number of shares)


  Financial institutions Securities companies Other corporations Foreign corporation and others Personal investors and others Treasury stock
Share ratio 37.9 3.1 10.5 13.7 22.5 12.3

Distribution of Shares Held (Based on number of shareholders)


Over 100,000 shares Over 50,000 shares Over 10,000 shares Over 5,000 shares Over 1,000 shares Over 100 shares Under 100 shares
0.3 0.2 1.0 1.1 14.7 70.5 12.2

