For a Sustainable Future
Seeking to be a creative business that will help achieve a sustainable future

Ippei Takeda
Representative Director and Chairman
Katsuhiko Mori
Representative Director, President

“We dedicate ourselves to creating valued products that will contribute to a brighter future for society”—Working from this mission statement, we at the Nichicon Group have built our capacitor and Nichicon Energy Control System Technology (NECST) businesses and created technologies that contribute to the achievement of a sustainable society by developing and providing innovative products.

In the capacitor business, we leverage the advanced power supply technologies that we have built up since our founding in 1950 to develop, manufacture, and sell a range of capacitors and related products that are essential to digital devices. As carbon neutrality becomes an issue for the entire world, sales of the film capacitors used in electric vehicle drive motors have seen strong growth in recent years. Going forward, we will work to deliver improved capacitor performance that will meet the market’s high-level demands and help to achieve a decarbonized society.

The NECST business began as a project in 2010, positioning the global environment, next-generation energy, and medical equipment as growth areas, and creating new markets through the development of innovative technologies and products. Representative products include the first household energy storage systems in the industry to be introduced to the market, allowing solar-generated electricity to be used at night; EVPower Station, the first V2H (Vehicle to Home) system in the world to allow use of electricity from EVs and PHVs to power the home; the Tribrid Energy Storage System™, for using solar-generated electricity in electric vehicles and at home; the Power Mover portable energy storage system, and external power feeders that can be used in a range of applications, including disaster recovery. Nichicon will continue to work to create innovative products, leveraging advanced technological capabilities and a flexible outlook to help resolve social issues.

The mission of the Nichicon Group goes beyond simply manufacturing to creating technologies that will form a better and more sustainable society by achieving SDGs, as well as providing solutions with value. In that sense, we consider ourselves to be an enterprise that focuses on creation and innovation. As we move forward, all of us at Nichicon will think and work together to continue to create new values that will lead to a sustainable future, as we endeavor to maximize the value of our business. We hope that you will look forward to the future with us.