Estimated Life Calculator for Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors

Please note that the estimated life result from this calculator is for reference only and NOT a guaranteed life specification.

Snap-in terminal type

Specified life time Lo hours
Max operating temperature of the capacitor To °C
Ambient temperature of the capacitor Tn °C
Applied ripple
current to capacitor
In mArms
*The frequency for In and Im should be the same for this calculation. Please refer to Note#3 below for detail.
Rated ripple current of capacitor
*Please refer to the catalog of each series about rated ripple current
Im mArms

Estimated life time (h) Ln hours
Ln years


  1. This calculator is applicable to catalog part numbers but not custom designed parts. Please contact your local Nichicon sales office when you need assistance.
  2. This calculator is applicable for an ambient temperature range of 40℃ to the maximum rated temperature of the part.
  3. The frequency for In and Im should be the same for this calculation. If they differ, please convert In to the same frequency as Im by using the “Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current specified in a table on each series page in the Nichicon Catalog.
    Also please pay attention that the figure you enter for applied ripple current (In) does NOT exceed the allowable rated ripple current (Im). If this is done, an error message, “In entered exceeds the allowable ripple value” will appear.
  4. Fifteen(15) years is generally considered to be the maximum for the estimated life result obtained by using this calculator.
  5. If you do not find the series you desire, please don’t hesitate to contact your local Nichicon sales office.