Green Procurement

Nichicon Group Green Procurement Guidelines

Amid an increase in the number of global environmental issues confronting society, it is our responsibility to make an even greater effort toward solving environmental challenges. Given this situation, corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities are a requirement for any company engaged in the marketing of environmentally-friendly products, procurement from environmentally conscious companies and recycling or energy-saving designs that are environmentally friendly.

These efforts include the EU's RoHS directive and REACH regulations, with increasingly strict regulations on the use of chemicals in products currently used in many regions and countries throughout the world. To comply with these regulations, we must be fully informed and in control of the chemicals in all raw materials used.

To achieve these goals, the Nichicon Group has formulated the Nichicon Group Green Procurement Guidelines as a standard for the management of substances that adversely impact the environment. We will promote green procurement in cooperation with our suppliers based on the Nichicon Group Green Procurement Guidelines, thus helping to contribute to the creation of a sustainable society.

We ask for even greater understanding and cooperation with respect to Nichicon green procurement activities within supplier purchases.

Green Procurement Guidelines-Related Materials

  • 【English】
  • Nichicon Group Green Procurement Guidelines (14th Edition)
  • Required documents: Forms 1-5
  • 【Chinese】
  • Nichicon Group Green Procurement Guidelines (14th Edition)
  • Required documents: Forms 1-5